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Rajasthani Mahila Mandal High School

Message From

The RMM School is an institution that combines academic excellence with a larger social focus. The principles of honesty, cleanliness, and compassion are instilled in the child. There is bonding and friendship in each classroom, making it a very positive environment. Teachers are acquainted with every child’s needs and special requirements, to be able to bring out the best in them. The RMM Management and the School Committee are very encouraging and supportive to provide Teachers and children with all the facilities to grow. The SSC results are proof of the hard work put in on both sides. Our Parents have been helpful and cooperative in all the school activities. In conclusion, RMMHS promises to guide and mould the students to become capable citizens of tomorrow - for themselves, their communities, their country, and the world.
Mrs. Zaheda Khambati, Principal of RMM
Speech by Convener
Uma Sekhsaria
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