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Free Medical Camps

Swach Bharat Abhiyan1
Family Hygiene Talk
Regular Fumigation  in school
Swach Bharat Abhiyan 2
Protection against Covid 31.3.2022
Dental Clinic in RMM
Eye Camp 2
Washing Hands 2023-07-18 at 16.27.01

Most of our children come from the middle or lower sections of society. Their parents are very busy with jobs and may not find time or afford to take their child for regular health check-ups. The school organizes free medical camps for its students.

Doctors of repute are invited to these medical camps. Recently an Eye Camp was organized. Technicians came with their machines to check the eyes of all the students.
In case of any problem, the school notifies the parents and then helps them to correct the problem. Before officially reopening the school after the COVID-19 pandemic, the school hall was a center for vaccinating children and their families. Fumigation of the entire building was done.

Similar health camps have been organized in the past for checking teeth, chest, TB, Cancer, and other diseases. Maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in their daily life and surroundings is emphasized. Talks are given on the importance of sanitation, to lead a disease-free life.

RMM High School

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