Rajasthani Mahila Mandal High School

Arambh – Ek Naya Kadam
ARAMBH is RMM’s Interschool competition applicable for schools getting 100% results in SSC. The Exhibition features all subjects like History, Geography, and PT & Yoga as well as all the Sciences.
It emphasizes cultural harmony and brotherhood. Cleanliness and Hygiene are given importance.
ARAMBH believes in ‘Excellence Beyond the Classroom’ - when children enter the real world.
While in school, academics, and exams leave little time for extra-curricular activities.
ARAMBH is the platform where children from different schools are given equal opportunity to showcase their talents. The RMM School hosts this event, inviting other schools to compete.
Children meet and participate in a healthy competitive spirit. There is an air of festivity,
which makes ‘ARAMBH – Ek Naya Kadam’ an unmatched effort in making new friends and finding your true place among strangers.
An event of this scale is only possible with TEAMWORK – involving planning, preparation,
and performance. The Management, School Staff, Students,
and even Parents pitch in to ensure the success of this two-day show.
A Fun Fair is organized on the last day, with game and food stalls,
where children mingle and let their hair down.